Healing Cooker Combo
RM889.00 + Free Shipping
22CM Healthy Cooker + 3-Min Magic Cup
The Cookerlogy Healing Cooker’s functional ceramics focuses on a “healing” concept. We are the world’s first and only product that incorporates the principles of quantum physics to convert electromagnetic waves into growth waves. Our technology is patented in Korea, China and Japan. The Healing Cooker cooks with light hence allowing healthier low molecular cooking without destroying nutrients compared to heat cooking.
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Cookerlogy Healing Cooker
Delivering the food your body needs.
It can cook quickly and easily like retort food. By using a microwave oven to shorten the cooking time, and to simplify the cooking process with the advantage of the Healing Cooker, not only experts but also beginners can cook difficult dishes easily and deliciously. Now, eat comfortably with a Cookerlogy Healing Cooker that makes you healthy with minimal effort!
“Cooking has never been easier or more enjoyable. Healthy and delicious meals all year round for everyone.“
The era of fast, simple and healthy eating is upon us.

Cookerlogy Healing Cooker delivers tastier meals without water, oil or seasoning.
The Healing Cooker is made of 30 kinds of natural minerals such as soil, stone and charcoal. It emits a large amount of growth rays at high temperatures. Growth rays are the wavelengths that are most beneficial to living organisms among the wavelengths emitted from the sun. It preserves the juice without destroying moisture and sodium, etc. of food ingredients. With the Healing Cooker, moist and delicious cooking is possible without water, oil or seasonings.

A cooker that makes both cooking time and meal time healthy.
Smoke generated when cooking on a gas stove or induction increases carbon monoxide by more than 9 times and fine dust by more than 20 times. The Healing Cooker is a principle that absorbs the microwave oven's wavelength (microwave) from the heating element at the base and converts it into growth rays, so it can be free from harmful substances generated during cooking. In addition, the growth rays minimize the destruction of nutrients in the ingredients and restore the natural taste of the ingredients , so the Healing Cooker can cook to make both cooking time and meal time healthy.
Low molecular weight cooker that maximizes digestion and absorption.
Since the gluten component of wheat flour is insoluble protein and can only be consumed as a polymer, various wheat foods such as bread and noodles are difficult to digest and absorb. The growth rays make the ingredients of high-molecular food ingredients low-molecular and increase the amino acids that give off a savory taste
Ultra-simple cooker that does not require the defrosting of frozen food.
When frozen foods are defrosted, a freeze burn occurs during which the ingredients deteriorate and the meat juice is lost .Since the Cookerlogy Healing Cooker cooks with growing rays, it cooks the outside and inside of the ingredients evenly, eliminating the need for cumbersome defrosting, making it easier and more delicious in a shorter time.